Krappy Kamera
Krappy Kamera
Soho Photo Gallery
15 White Street, New York and online
March 6 – 23.2024, open Wednesday – Sunday 1-6pm
In the hands of any artist great photographs can be made with basic equipment. This exhibition features extraordinary photographs made with lousy lenses. Examples of some Krappy Kameras are the Holga, Diana, Ansco, and pinhole cameras. You can also create your own Krappy Kamera by using your non-Krappy Kamera and exchanging the lens with a Krappy lens (e.g. pinhole body cap or Holga-type lens).
The juror for the exhibition is Susan Burnstine, an award-winning professional fine art and commercial photographer who builds homemade cameras and lenses using plastic, vintage camera parts, and random household objects.

Haunted forest 5
Helios lens, cut and reattached