When I Rose from the Sea
Kun merestä nousin minä (When I rose from the sea)
7. - 17.11.2022, Gjutars, Vantaa, Finland
The ancient headland covered by boulders. It extends itself along the rivers, sides of the foothills, guarding the by passers. It has risen from under the ice, reborn from the ashes. It has thousands of faces, the one of before and the one of the future. It is me. And now I will show you who I am.
This is a group exhibition of The Arctic Circle Photo Club which was on display in Rovaniemi in September 2022 and in Vantaa November 2022.
The exhibition has been inspired by a poem unfolding the town of Rovaniemi, the home Arctic Circle Photo Club. The poem has been specially written for this exhibition by one of the members, Riitta Ahmasalo.